Tuesday 27 October 2009

My Son

Two days ago my son was really sick because he got a strong asthma attack.Since morning I noticed that he is not breathing well; but I didn't realized that it was too strong.Suddenly his condition get worse and I decided to take him to the hospital ;because he needed the oxygen and at home I only have the nebulizer where I only can add the normal saline. On the way to the hospital, I opened all the car windows and my son went quickly to set near the window to have some fresh air so it will help him to take in air; his face turned red and his chest started to wheeze; at that moment I was really disappointed and worried. We reached the hospital and the doctor checked him immediately and we stayed for two hours and the doctor advised me if it happened again I should take him to the nearest hospital.

I really learned from this lesson to be more careful regarding asthma and to be sure that he takes all his medications on time.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Google Project Reflection

During our studies at the college we have a Management Information System course where we did a project about Google.Each student had a topic where she trained others how to use her topic efficiently.

From this project I gained a lot of knowledge about Google. There were many topics that are interesting and useful.On other hand, there were topics that we already used before and we felt a bit boring doing it again; but this doesn't mean that the trainee was boring it is all about repeating things over. I really enjoyed working on this project and I learned the training basics including how we should attract others to our training secessions.